Internet y las redes también son nuestras
The P2P Foundation infrastructure of production and governance currently consists of three different aspects:<br><br> Legal: A formal foundation registered in the Netherlands with 4 operational hubs dedicated to organizing, advocacy, research and the facilitation of a knowledge commons.<br><br> People: An expanding network of activists and researchers working at different levels of engagement; a global core team handling daily operations, organizational strategy, and long-term sustainability; and numerous supporters engaging with and contributing to our information commons, including our blog, public Wiki and Loomio groups.<br><br> Virtual: An ecosystem producing and sharing knowledge on the commons and P2P dynamics emerging throughout society. Our widely viewed and shared research wiki and blog are updated daily by our community.<br><br><br>
Radical Networks is a conference that celebrates the free and open Internet,<br><br>with hands-on workshops, speakers, and a gallery exhibiting artworks centered around radio and networking technology. It fosters critical discussion on contemporary issues that include surveillance, the spread of misinformation, ownership of personal data, and the increasing opacity of “The Cloud”.<br><br>Radical Networks is also an arts festival that considers networking technology as an artistic medium, featuring works that run the gamut from ethical hacks to creative experiments to live performances.
É um dispositivo móvel autônomo de troca e colaboração, feita para conectar pessoas presentes em um mesmo espaço físico. A Fuxico cria uma rede sem fio fora da internet para troca de conteúdos digitais como imagens, vídeos, áudios,documentos, sala de bate-papo e Rodas de conversa. Totalmente anônima!
Rede visava ganhos financeiros e foi tirada do ar pelo Facebook usando grupos, perfis e páginas para comprar e vender reações, seguidores e fan pages na rede socias, a rede identificada como PCSD foi tirada do ar por violar as políticas de autenticidade e combate ao spam do serviço. A ação aconteceu uma semana após o FB tirar 196 páginas e 87 contas brasileiras acusadas de espalhar notícias falsas.