Pessoas próximas ao presidente costumam se referir ao coronel Câmara como “o cara da inteligência”. “Ele só cuida disso. Todas as denúncias que chegam, de dossiês a relatórios de informação, vêm dele”, conta um auxiliar de Bolsonaro.<br>Bolsonaro jamais confiou nos canais oficiais de informação, com destaque para a Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Abin), por acreditar que é composta de servidores ainda fiéis à gestão petista.
In India the contact-tracing app Aarogya Setu has reached 100 million unique users in just 41 days after its release. This app is now mandatory for all organisations, in both the public and private sector, reopening for business after the lockdown, as well as for people who travel with Indian railways. India’s decision to make a contact-tracing app mandatory represents one of the main approaches in government measures directed at containing the spread of the virus. TechCrunch reports that the app continually collects the location data of users and logs details of those who have reported COVID-19 symptoms. The app was first introduced as a self-assessment tool. People were installing with the hope that it could help them stay safe. The coronavirus pandemic has become a perfect illustration of the ‘privacy paradox’. People disregard even the gravest privacy concerns for the sake of health and financial safety.
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Rafael Bonifaz explica o funcionamento do wahay com mumble e TOR.<br>Funciona só com linux. realiza comunicação anonima e critptografada na internet.